Our mission is to give young people the opportunity to think well through philosophy

We believe that by thinking well, one can live better


We asked some of our philosophers why they chose to do philosophy, here's what they said...

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World Philosophy Day 2024

The theme for this year's World Philosophy Day on Thursday 21st November is "Philosophy: bridging social gaps."

This year, we are delighted to partner with SAPERE to offer a free resource pack to educators for World Philosophy Day. Both TPF and SAPERE share a commitment to fostering critical thinking, empathy, and collaborative Enquiry among young people. In brief, we believe in equiping young people with the tools to think better, in order to live better.

Find the resource pack here.

The sessions in the resource pack are perfect for World Philosophy Day but also for any context in which critical thinking about issues such as inclusion, diversity, sustainability and the environment are needed.

The Ethics Cup 2025

The Philosophy Foundation is proud to be partnering with The Ethics Cup 2025. This brilliant initiative is a tournament in which teams of high school students match with with each other discussing ethical issues of public concern. It’s not a debating competition and isn’t won by proving the opposing side wrong.

Any school, state or independent, experienced or inexperienced, is encouraged to participate, and they make special accommodation for schools that serve less privileged areas. No special classes or clubs need to be organised to participate.

Registration for the 2025 Ethics Cup is open now! All the information you need is on thier website here.


What's on

Foundations of Philosophical Enquiry: Online

Online | Zoom
Start date:
18th August 2025

18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd of August

1.00 - 5.00 pm (BST)

| 17h | 5 afternoons | Part-time

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