Become a Flash of Inspiration!

Help create lightbulb moments for people around the world through the power of philosophical enquiry.
“It actually gets your mind working” – Year 6 Pupil
The Philosophy Foundation relies on your regular giving to deliver our unique approach to philosophy in schools, prisons and universities (and the occasional pub). Join our community of regular givers and help teach philosophy and critical thinking, and improve communication skills and confidence.
Flashes of Inspiration Members receive two free tickets for Think & Drink a year, early booking for TPF events and other membership perks. Your donations will make a real difference to the future of the Foundation.
£5/month = one hour in a primary school supporting oracy and critical thinking
£10/month = two pupils at the Young Philosophers after-school program, discussing complex concepts and differing viewpoints.
£25/month = A place on Foundations of Philosophical Enquiry for a University Student
Make Your Donation Go Farther

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. Gift Aid allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £10 am month we can claim an extra £2.50, making your gift worth £12.50
Don't forget to click the Gift Aid Box!
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Every donation makes it possible for The Philosophy Foundation to thrive.
Does your employer have a workplace giving scheme? –You can donate to the Philosophy Foundation before taxes. Talk to your HR department or contact
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