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Do you deserve it?
By Steve Hoggins
This session is based on the story The little red hen. The difference being that in the tale the other characters holds exactly the same position – they don’t want to help.
3 Puppets
Story generation
Introduce the three characters by name (I used to get the children to choose) and then s...
Ages: Ages 5-7 (KS1)
Subjects: Ethics
Themes: Responsibility, Obligations, Fairness, Deserving
Larry David and the Glasses
Designed by Steven Campbell-Harris
Starter Activity
Play the following clip (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T2yCmW0ARs0) up to 2:16 into the video. Stop the clip and ask the Task Question: should Larry pay for the glasses?
Task questions:
Who is responsible for the glasses?
Whose fault is it that the glasses are broken?
Ages: Ages 16-18 (KS5), Ages 14-16 (KS4), Ages 11-14 (KS3)
Subjects: Ethics
Themes: Responsibility, Obligations, Fairness