Goodland and Badland

This session is inspired by Mr. Good (from the Mr Men series) by Roger Hargreaves


Key ideas: Right and wrong determined by punishment, cultural relativism.



Tell the story of Mr good who lives in Goodland. Lots of good things happen in Goodland – Ask children for examples (quick & pacey)

Mr Good does lots of good things in Goodland like tidy up, brush his teeth, hold doors open, help people with their shopping. Childrenn can suggest more.

Then Mr. Good goes for a long walk and has a think about what to do he walks for such a long time not really noticing where he’s going then he comes around the corner and bumps into someone struggling with their shopping so he stops to help. But they shout at him “go away, you’re trying to steal my shopping!”

Mr. Good thought ‘that’s not nice why were they so mean?’ suddenly he realises that he has wandered out of Goodland and entered Badland, full of bad people, where bad things happen. Can ask children for examples again.


Task questions

  • What do you think will happen if Mr good starts doing good things? (can refer to their ideas from before)
  • If no one wants him to do good things, should he stop doing good things?


Further questions

  • Everyone in Badland likes him doing good things, so he should do bad things. Is that right?
  • Is doing bad things in Bad land actually a good thing?



Where would you find these things, in Badland or Goodland? (Use pics whiteboards to draw them on)

  • Snakes
  • Dogs
  • Sneezes
  • TV
  • Spiders
  • Homework
  • The naughty spot/punishments
  • Bedtime
  • Sharing
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Bath time
  • Marmite (or other unpleasant food)
  • Cars


  • Mr good decides to set up a good school. What lessons would he teach?

Download Goodland and Badland

Ages: Ages 3-5 (EYFS)

Subjects: Ethics