People and Animals (Ages; 3-5) (EYFS)

Key idea

To what extent are people and animals similar? Should they be treated the same? Should different animals be treated differently?


Pictures/puppets of animals and people


Go through the resources asking children to say what each of them do and whether they go in the ‘people’ or ‘animals’ group. This is a warmer to get them thinking about people/animals and engaged in distinguishing between the two.

Main activity

Choose a child and tell them that they are going to ‘have a talk’ and they can choose to talk to a person or an animal.

Ask the class:

  • Will they talk with an animal or a person?
  • Should they talk to animals?
  • Can animals talk?

Now, after the child has listened to the others, get them to come and make a decision. Will they talk to an person or an animal?

Repeat the above with other scenarios

You are going to go for a walk.

  • With an animal or a person?
  • Should you put a lead on them?
  • A person took your left shoe and an animal took your right shoe?
  • Should you tell the person off? Should you tell the animal off?
  • Are you going to make friends with an animal or a person?
  • Are animals better friends?
  • You have brought a present from the shop. Will you give it to an animal or a person? Should animals get presents?

Further questions

  • Are animals like people?
  • If animals could understand and talk, should we send them to school?
  • If animals do bad things, should we put them in prison?

Some more provocative ones that I am not sure if I would do:

  • You are hungry should you eat a person?
  • A dog?
  • A chicken?
  • A mouse?
  • Should animals eat people?

Download People and Animals (Ages; 3-5) (EYFS)

Ages: Ages 3-5 (EYFS)

Subjects: Ethics