The big orange splot
Plumbean decides that he wants his house to be a little different to the others in the street. But what will the neighbours think? Should he be bothered?
Task Questions:
- Should Mr Plumbean paint his house how he wants? Why?
- Is it naughty to paint his house how he wants it?
- Is it ok to paint it, if his neighbours don't like it?
- If it’s a neat street, but he paints it. Is he naughty?
- If everyone wants him to paint it back, does he have to paint it back?
- Should you be able to do what you want?
- Is it fair to do what you want?
- Mr P’s neighbour paints a ship on his house. Is his house a ship? Repeat with the hot air balloon...the castle – is a castle a house? What is a house?
Extension activity:
Give the children a house template each. Ask, ‘would you like to decorate a house?’ ‘Should you all decorate your houses the same?’