The Big Ugly MONSTER and The Little Stone Rabbit (1)


The story The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit by Chris Wormell


Key controversies

What makes someone beautiful or ugly? Does being called ugly mean you are ugly? Monsters. Friendship. Happiness


Starter – with children in a circle

Facilitator shows the children the book cover and reads the title with the children. Look at the monster. What can you see?


Main activity

“Show me your monster face!” Take a photo of one of the pupils and show the class (I use a tablet or  you could get them to stand up and show the class their monster face) then ask, ‘Is that a monster face?’ ‘Why?’ They may say things like ‘it’s ugly’ or ‘it’s scary’ test their ideas in the following way
(Child says it a monster face because it is ugly) “Can you show me a beautiful monster face?” Again take a photo of one and ask the others, Is it a beautiful face? So, is it a monster face?
(Child says it a monster face because it is scary) “Show me a monster face that is NOT scary”. Do as above then ask, ‘Is it scary? So is it a monster face?’


Task question

  • Is it a monster? (looking at photos or book

Nested questions

  • Do monsters need to be ugly/scary/purple/hair?
  • If the book says it’s a monster, is it?
  • Can you be a monster on the inside?
  • Can you be different on the inside and the outside?
  • What is a monster?

Download The Big Ugly MONSTER and The Little Stone Rabbit (1)