How to use poetry for philosophy enquiries

Pete explains how to use poetry in the classroom to get a philosophy discussion going.

Posted by on 9th October 2014 at 12:00am

Category: Poetry, Philosophy, P4C

Tags: National Poetry Day

Improving Writing Through Dialogue

by Peter Worley

One of the most common questions put to me when I do training on facilitating dialogues with teachers, especially when I’m doing training with secondary school teachers, is: ‘All this dialogue stuff is great but how can we transfer all this on to the page?’ or, words to that effect. I think the answer lies in the question itself: is to transfer the fruits of dialoguing onto the page. But how?

To read the entire article and found out how go here: Innovate My School

Posted by on 5th October 2014 at 12:00am

Category: Education

Tags: philosophy for children, philosophy in schools, literacy, dialogue, Peter Worley

Why poetry? Because poetry is like a TARDIS: paradoxical and much bigger on the inside.

Stories are great, but now Pete explains how to use poetry to stir up some philosophical controversies in the classroom.

Posted by on 1st October 2014 at 12:00am

Category: Poetry, Philosophy, P4C

Tags: National Poetry Day