Observations and anecdotes on facilitation of philosophy with children

Recently, Peter Worley was interviewed by Laura Candiotto (PhD in Philosophy), a researcher at the University of Edinburgh for an Italian magazine.  We have published the interview in full (and in English!) as she asks important questions about the methods of The Philosophy Foundation.  Pete clarifies how TPF differs from other ways of doing philosophy with children and offers practical, straight-forward advice for teachers to use these methods in their classrooms.

Posted by on 18th October 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Philosophy, P4C, Education

Tags: facilitation, Peter Worley, Democritus, Numbers, Ontology, absence principle

Pieter Mostert | On the value of debate and disagreement

Pieter Mostert is a practical philosopher, educational consultant and conversation specialist.
He moved to South Africa in February 2013, where he facilitates different types of learning conversations, from home schooling to teacher training. He holds a PhD from Erasmus University, Rotterdam and is a specialist in making conversations pleasant, fruitful and lasting, under circumstances that may be difficult (in a conflict or dispute, for example) or unusual (in the kitchen or on the train, for example).

Here Pieter offers his views and experiences on what happens with children who are learning to argue and debate well at school.

Posted by on 10th October 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Philosophy, P4C, Guest Blogger

Peter Worley | Getting Deeper with Poetry

It's National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October 2016.  Pete offers some suggestions for how you can tackle poetry in a philosophical way with your class.

Posted by on 3rd October 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Poetry, Philosophy, P4C, Education

Tags: Concept Box, Wordless books, Metaphor