Peter Worley | A philosophical enquiry strategy for up-against-it secondary school teachers

When a secondary school teacher being trained in facilitation forgot Pete was visiting, to observe one of his philosophy sessions, he had an epiphany:

"This is what my colleagues need to know about how this philosophy stuff works."

And here's what happened in the classroom on that day...

Posted by on 20th September 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Philosophy, P4C, Education

Tags: Philosophy in Secondary Schools, Hokey Kokey Method, Curriculum, Teacher training

Philosophy GCSE

Over the last year The Philosophy Foundation has been supporting the Philosophy in Education Project (PEP), run by Dr John Taylor and A. C. Grayling, along with SAPERE, A Level Philosophy and a host of well-known philosophers including Angie Hobbs, Simon Blackburn, Nigel Warburton and Tim Williamson.

This is a response by Peter Worley to ‘why there shouldn’t be a philosophy GCSE‘ by Miss AVE Carter, who has started an important open debate about the newly proposed philosophy GCSE by PEP.

Posted by Lubos Remplik on 22nd June 2015 at 12:00am

Category: Philosophy, P4C, Education

Tags: Philosophy GCSE, P4C, Peter Worley, Philosophy in Secondary Schools