Boats and Ownership

Key idea: Ownership, possession.


  • Selection of puppets/teddy’s
  • A box with that serves as a boat – cardboard so the children can write on it


Class Teacher (CT) to get children to sit in  a circle. CT to tell children that we are sat around a big lake and to keep their feet out of the water so they don’t get wet!

CT to introduce teddy and tell children that teddy has found a boat (using a box, pencil, paper and cello tape CT to put teddy into the boat. Children to make waves and wave noises and teddy to sail around the lake (children take turns to push the boat round the lake, others make wave motions. Teddy finished his sail and then puts his hand on his heart and says ‘I love my boat!’ CT to Ask children to echo. CT to say that teddy is tired, teddy parks his boat and goes home to sleep.

Lion then come across the boat. Repeat the sailing as above. When Loin is finished he puts his hand on his heart and says ‘I love my boat!’ Ask children to echo.

Task question: Whose boat is it?

Children to discuss in pairs and feedback
Children may say teddy’s because he found it first.
Ask for different ideas ‘who thinks it is Lion’s boat put your hand up and who thinks it’s teddy’s boat put your hand up?
CT to ask children who have put their hand up - Why do you think its…?

Other questions to ask during discussion:

  • If you are the first to have something is it yours?
  • If you are the last to have something is it yours?
  • Does the boat belong to no one? Both of them?


Get lion, or another character to write their name on it.
Whose boat is it now? Children to discuss with talk partner.

If you write your name on it does that mean it’s yours?

Make a connection to the children’s work. You could have an example of someone’s work (Georgie’s) and ask, ‘Is this Georgie’s? Why?’ (they say, because she wrote it, or has her name on it, etc.) Then you can ask ‘So, is this boat, Teddy’s? Why?

Caleb writes a story and then Soraya puts her name on it, is it Soraya’s?

(If there are children that are not engaged in the talking then get them to show you by placing the puppets on the floor. Give a child the boat. “Show me whose boat it is”. They can place it with the puppet who they think owns it.


Application activity/end activity

CT to tell children that all the character are tired and have gone home and the boat is parked. CT to then get 1 child (small) to stand in the box. It is child… boat? Children to discuss. CT to ask children what if child… writes his name on the boat? Children… to then write his/her name on the boat. Children to discuss with talk partners. CT to then get another child in the class to write their name on the boat and ask children Who’s boat is it? Children to discuss with talk partners. CT to then pass the boat around for every child to put their name on it and ask Who’s boat is it now?  

Extension questions

  • What things are definitely yours?
  • What things are definitely not yours?
  • Are there any things that could be yours?
  • What makes something yours?

Download Boats and Ownership