Foundations and Trusts

The Philosophy Foundation is currently supported by the following organisations.
John Lyon's Charity: in 2023 John Lyon's Charity have given us funding to deliver the Republic Island Holiday Club in Camden to young people.
Thomas Wall Trust: in 2022 Thomas Wall have given us funding to deliver philosophy sessions in prisons to young offenders.
Garfield Weston: in 2020 Garfield Weston have given us a three-year grant to support our core team, after giving us Core Funding since 2016.
Royal Institute of Philosophy: has been supporting us to run philosophy in schools and prisons since 2017.
Kings College London: supported us to bring philosophy into prisons in since 2017, and research into teaching critical thinking and metacognition.
Foundations and Trusts
We'd like to thank the following organisations for their support of our work over the years.
Beyond Me: Project Support (2018)
Relx: Young Philosophers' Project (2018)
Big Potential: Breakthrough Grant (2017-18)
Evan Cornish: Philosophy in Prisons (2017)
Paul Hamlyn Foundation: Transition Project and Core Funding (2012-2017)
Co-operative Local Fund: Young Philosophers' Project (2016-17)
Esmee Fairbairn: IOE Research into the impact of our methodology (2012-13)
The Mercers' Company: Enquiry Project
Drapers' Company: Young Philosophers' Project (2015)
Camden Partnership for Educational Excellence: The If Odyssey Project
Orp Foundation: Core Funding
University College London: part of a project to look at the impact of philosophy on social equality (Jo Woolf research)
NESTA: as part of their i-discover programme in secondary schools
Young Foundation: as part of their Accelerator Programme
Business in the Community: as part of their 'arc: Building Better Business' initiative.
The Fore: Core Funding and Emergency Funding during Covid (2019-21)
The Chartered Accountants Company: Philosophy with looked after children (2020)
The Royal Institute of Philosophy: funding free philsophy sessions to schools with a high level of deprivation and to pupils who have not and would not have the opportunity to do philosophy.