Why philosophy in schools?
Every Child Should... Learn Philosophy
Article by Peter Worley. Published on the Every Child Should campaign website.
Teaching critical thinking and metacognitive skills through philosophical enquiry. A practitioner's report on experiments in the classroom.
Article by Emma Worley MBE and Peter Worley. Published in the Childhood and Philosophy Journal December 2019.
Why I became a philosophy teacher: to get kids thinking about life's big ideas
Article by Steve Hoggins, published on the Guardian Teacher Network.
Attending to Attentiveness: Why Teaching Philosophy Should Be at the Core of Education
Article by Peter Worley, published in Philosophy for our times on the iai news website.
Journal of Philosophy in Schools
Special Issue on 'Why Philosophy Should be Taught in Schools' edited by Professor Michael Hand.
On the distinctive educational value of philosophy
Michael Hand
Philosophy and the good life
Angela Hobbs
The need for philosophy in promoting democracy: a case for philosophy in the curriculum
Gilbert Burgh
The generic argument for teaching philosophy
Philip Cam
Plato, metacognition and philosophy in schools
Peter Worley
The ethics of narrative art: Philosophy in schools, compassion and learning from stories
Laura D'Olimpio and Andrew Peterson
Deep thinking and high ceilings: Using philosophy to challenge ‘more able’ pupils
Carrie Winstanley
JPS Special Edition Why Should Philosophy Be Taught in Schools?
Philosophy saved me from poverty and drugs: that's why I teach it to kids
Article by Andy West, published in the Guardian.
If understanding and well-being are central to education then philosophy must be taught in schools
An opinion piece written for the Times Educational Supplement by Peter Worley available from the TES website.
The first R: why we need to teach philosophy in the classroom
Article by Emma Worley, published on the Guardian Teacher Network.
Addled Essence
Article by David Birch, published in Philosophy Now.
Character Education and the Problems of Morality
Emma Worley's article in the IPPR's Future of Education publication:
Why I teach philosophy in primary schools
Article by Giacomo Esposito, published in the Guardian.
How to...
Ariadne's Clew: Absence and presence in the facilitation of philosophical conversations
Article by Peter Worley published in the Journal of Philosophy in Schools.
Open Thinking Closed Questioning
Article by Peter Worley published in the Journal of Philosophy in Schools.
If it, anchor it, open it up, a closed questioning technique
Written for and included in The Socratic Handbook: Methods and Manuals for Applied Ethics and Philosophical Practice edited by Michael Noah Weiss and published by Lit Publishing.
The Listening Teacher
Article by Peter Worley. Published in Creative Teaching & Learning. You can download the article via the link below. There is also an accompanying webinar which you can purchase from the following link: Facilitating an Open Question Mindset.
How to teach controversy in the classroom
Article by Steven Campbell-Harris, published on Innovate My School.
Step Reckoning: what philosophy has to do with mathematical reasoning
Article by Peter Worley published in Primary Mathematics - a journal of The Mathematical Association.
Happily Ever After: using children’s stories to teach philosophy and ethics
Article by Peter Worley published in The Guardian Teacher Network.
How to use the enduring power of Greek myths in your classroom
Article by Peter Worley published in The Guardian Teacher Network.
Move Over Socrates: a practical guide to teaching poetry with philosophy
Article by Peter Worley published in The Guardian Teacher Network.
The Question X
Article by Peter Worley published in Creative Teaching and Learning in 2013.
Why use stories for doing philosophy with children
Article published on the Bloomsbury Education blog detailing Peter Worley's Hokey Kokey method.
How could the teaching of 'tricky questions' be improved in schools?
Article by Peter Worley published on the London RE Hub.
Does telling children to respect each other do more harm than good?
Article by David Birch, published in the Guardian Teacher Network.
Why you should seek the philosopher's tone
Article by David Birch, published in the TES.
How not to do it
Article by Andrew Day, published in Teacher Development Trust blog.
Three tips to help you make sure girls can speak their mind
Article by Andy West, published in the TES.
Moving off autopilot: How to encourage children to think deeply
Article by Steven Campbell-Harris, published on Innovate My School.
Peter Worley on Innovate My School website
How to introduce critical thinking skills into your classroom
Link to the article here.
Being wrong in the right way
Link to the article here.
Improving Writing through dialogue
Link to the article here.
The absent teacher: preapring children for the real world
Link to the article here.
Socratic Irony in the classroom: Clouseau or Columbo?
Link to the article here.
PhiE Circle & Detachment Methods
This paper was first presented at SOPHIA Network meeting in 2012. It describes two methods for doing philosophy with children that develop the meta-aspect.
Critical reflections
Dissonance: Disagreement and Critical Thinking in P4/wC
Article by Peter Worley. Published in the ICPIC book following the 2017 Madrid conference.
Once Upon an If: Conversations and Controversies
Conversations and controversies looks at the nature of philosophical questions and distinguishes them from pseudo-philosophical questions by identifying controversy as the key component.
Originally included in Once Upon an If, this paper is now available online here and on the Bloomsbury companion website.
Philosophy in philosophy in schools
Article by Peter Worley published in Think.
Tomorrow's Teacher: Learning from the past
Article by Peter Worley published in Visions of the Future as one of the winning entries for Teachers' TV competition Tomorrow's Teacher.
What primary school children can teach academic philosophers
Link to Aeon article here.
Its About How You Think
Read Peter Worley's interview, conducted by Phil Treagus, talking about all his favourite books for The Reading Lists.
Let's focus primary education on the happiness of pupils: not drilling them for university
Article by Joe Tyler, published in the TES.
What can university philosophy learn from primary philosophy?
Peter Worley's lecture at St Mary's College for the RIP lecture series: Knowledge, Wisdom & the University on Wednesday September 21st.
What can university philosophy learn from primary philosophy?