Peter Worley | A philosophical enquiry strategy for up-against-it secondary school teachers

When a secondary school teacher being trained in facilitation forgot Pete was visiting, to observe one of his philosophy sessions, he had an epiphany:

"This is what my colleagues need to know about how this philosophy stuff works."

And here's what happened in the classroom on that day...

Posted by on 20th September 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Philosophy, P4C, Education

Tags: Philosophy in Secondary Schools, Hokey Kokey Method, Curriculum, Teacher training

World Poetry Day 2016

UNESCO marks World Poetry Day every year on the 21st March.

In celebrating World Poetry Day UNESCO recognises the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.

The Philosophy Foundation use poetry to explore philosophy, and philosophy to explore poetry.

Posted by on 3rd March 2016 at 12:00am

Category: P4C, Philosophy, Poetry

Tags: Poetry, philosophy, P4C, Thoughtings, The Philosophy Shop

Peter Worley | Why use stories for doing philosophy with children?

First of all stories engage. When a teller tells a story well the audiencevisualize the story so that it seems to happen before them. If you want children to think, first of all they must be engaged.

Secondly, stories enable children to grasp complex ideas very naturally, where in the abstract, they would be lost. Tell the story of ‘Scylla and Charybdis’ from The Odyssey and children can follow the complexities of ethical dilemmas that would be nigh on impossible for them in the abstract.

Thirdly, stories can be used to activate the children as moral agents. You can stop the story at the crisis point, the difficult decision or the conflict, and instead of simply reading on, you could ask the class questions: ‘What do you think [the character]should do?’, ‘What do you think [the character] will do?’, ‘What would you do?’ and ‘What do…

Posted by on 2nd February 2016 at 12:00am

Category: Education, P4C, Philosophy

Tags: P4C, Philosophy with stories, 40 Questions, Peter Worley

Peter Worley | Thought Adventure 41: Here and Elsewhere – thinking about migration and identity

There is a popular approach to doing philosophy with children that involves presenting a stimulus (often a picture book), having the children formulate questions, gathering and sorting the questions and then having the children vote on a question to discuss. There can be great value in this student-centred approach to discussions, however it can make doing P4C in the curriculum more difficult. The reason for this is that, according to the principles of a standard P4C Community of Inquiry in the UK, the children significantly determine the direction of the discussion. So, if you’ve chosen the picture book Elmer by David McKee because you want the class to explore the notion of ‘difference’, there is always the danger that the children will focus on a completely different theme with the question that they vote on or that they naturally move towards during the discussion, such as…

Posted by on 18th November 2015 at 12:00am

Category: Education, P4C, Philosophy

Tags: P4C, Peter Worley, 40 Questions, Migration, Identity

Be a Philosopher!

World Philosophy Day is here again on Thursday 19th November.

Download free lesson plans from our website to inspire your classes; don a beret or a beard and get thinking!

In Peter Worley’s latest book, 40 lessons to get children thinking (one for every week of the school year, plus a spare, because philosophy isn’t just for a day!), he wants to inspire young thinkers to become philosophers.

Posted by on 11th November 2015 at 12:00am

Category: P4C, Philosophy

Tags: National Philosophy Day