Discounted online sessions for 7-11 year olds

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the work that Tim has been doing for the KS2 group. My son is an unusually thoughtful child and his school, caring though it is, doesn't provide the space that he craves to explore his creative thinking mind. These sessions are like a small oasis in the busy week for him. Although I haven't been listening in per se, I've been aware that Tim's patient, open and inquisitive approach has met met my son where he needs to be met. Thank you.
Take part in 5 philosophical enquiries online, 1 hour a week for 5 weeks. Reduced from £37.50 to only £10 due to the experience of the facilitators.
These sessions are with trainee philosophy facilitators. Our trainees have philosophy degrees and have received our initial training, but have not become accredited with us. These online sessions are part of their accreditation, which is the reason these courses are discounted. Don't worry though, we think they’re fab and they have one of our senior team supporting them.
Today more than ever we need the understanding, critical thinking skills and perspective that philosophy brings. Reasoning skills developed through philosophical enquiry are an indispensable foundation of all aspects of learning; and philosophy, like maths, music or physical education is intrinsically worth doing and intrinsically engaging. Philosophy promotes and cultivates ‘thinking for oneself’. Our emphasis is on developing how children think, not what they think.
If you have any questions about this event please email