Fully funded philosophy courses for 16-18 year olds

Philosophy is reflecting critically on the way things are. That includes reflecting critically on social and political and economic arrangements. It always intimates the possibility that things could be other than they are. And better…
Michael Sandel
Transformative Opportunity for Secondary Schools: The Ethics Cup
In an era dominated by social media, fake news, and divisive soundbites, the ability to engage in constructive, critical discourse is more crucial than ever. Preparing students to navigate this landscape with wisdom and insight is essential for their success and for the health of our society. The Philosophy Foundation (TPF), in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Philosophy (TRIP) and The London Ethics Cup, is excited to offer a fully funded, six-week philosophy course culminating in participation in The Ethics Cup.
Why Participate?
- Enhance Critical Thinking: Equip your students with the skills to think critically and reason effectively,
- Develop Reasoning and Communication Skills: Enable students to engage in substantive arguments, nurturing a culture of thoughtful and informed public discourse.
- Lifelong Impact: students will develop metacognition, ethical reasoning, and collaborative problem-solving. Students will learn to think and act more wisely, preparing them to navigate a rapidly changing world with resilience.
Join the Ethics Cup: Your students will be coached and supported to compete to participate in the Ethics Cup, a prestigious tournament in which teams of high school students match with each other discussing ethical issues of public concern. Teams are judged on judged on insightfulness, thoughtfulness, and civility.
How to Get Involved
- Eligibility: Open to education providers of 16-18-year-olds who do not offer A-Level Philosophy courses. Priority will be given to schools with higher Pupil Premium/FSM.
- Costs: The course is free. Registration to the Ethics Cup costs £20 for schools that qualify for reduced fees, and £70 for those that do not. The Ethics Cup organisers also provide subsidies for costs associated with taking part in the Cup, such as travel costs.
Apply Now: Applications are open until 21st June.
For more information or questions, please contact us at info@philosophy-foundation.org
Bring philosophy to life in your school and empower your students with the skills to succeed both academically and personally!
What's the big idea?
Our sessions are discussions based around philosophical questions, thought experiments and stories. Classes join in facilitated conversations around fundamental philosophical questions such as:
- Who are you? What makes you, you?
- How should we decide who gets what? Is it fair to expect the rich to help the poor?
- How do we separate fact from fiction? Who or what should we believe?
- Do animals have rights? Should we treat animals however we wish?
I learnt how everybody can have different but just as good ideas. I also learnt how to develop better views and to have my voice heard.
Sign up
If you are a teacher and would like your class to have philosophy please contact Kim. We can run classes online or in the classroom. Please email kim@philosophy-foundation.org for more information and to book your philosopher.
If you are a parent or teenager who would like to join an online group, details of all our courses can be found on the What's on page of our website. Or you can email Kim kim@philosophy-foundation.org for more info.
Am I eligible?
Everyone is eligible for our sessions, but priority is given to young people who have not experienced philosophy before, and those in receipt of free school meals (or eligible for pupil premium).