40 Lessons to get Children Thinking
40 lessons to get children thinking is an excellent resource to pupils, educators, and philosophy enthusiasts across the globe. The lessons are superbly researched, excellently written and extremely interactive - a must for all schools. [...] With each lesson you are given step by step guidance on how to plan, implement, evaluate and review a philosophical enquiry inclusive of resources needed. The lessons have all been tried and tested through the use of action based research by the Philosophy Foundation making this book a must for a teacher's desk.
Kevin McArevey - Headteacher at Holy Cross Boys School, Belfast
Peter Worley's new 'If' book is an A4 collection of practical lesson and activity plans to use in the primary classroom to get children thinking philosophically and creatively around different curriculum areas and topics. The sessions use thought experiments, stories and poetry to get children discussing and understanding topics more deeply.
It is a 'pick up and go' resource, with each session explained in a consistent step-by-step format so that they are easy for any primary teacher to implement in the classroom either as a whole lesson or as an activity within another lesson. All the sessions are tried and tested by Peter and his colleagues at the Philosophy Foundation who work with primary schools to implement these sessions on a regular basis.
Sentences Tutorial
The Elastic Band Trick
As explained on page 131 of '40 Lessons', from Thought Adventure 33, The Telekenetic Teacher.
Bridge of Death Scene
From page 76 of '40 Lessons' part of Thought Adventure 19, Who's Right?
The Bridge of Death Scene from "Python (Monty) Pictures Limited”.
With thanks to Holly Gilliam.
You can watch this on YouTube
Games by Jesse Walsh
One of the lesson plans from the book takes inspiration from a game created by Jesse Walsh entitled ‘Hangwoman’. To download this and other games by Jesse please click on the below attachment.

Companion Website
Each of Peter's Bloomsbury Books come with online resources, which can be found on the Bloomsbury website.